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July 1, 2014
This randomized trial of high risk patients with small clinial stage I cancers randomized pts to sublobar resection with or without adjuvant brachytherapy.  The median follow-up for 222 pts was 4.4 years.  3 year survival was identical (71%) between the groups.  There was no difference in time to local recurrence.  Brachytherapy did not significantly
July 1, 2014
In this randomized trial involving195 pts from 30 centers, pts underwent chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery or surgery alone for stage I or II esophageal cancer.  The median follow-up was 94 months.  80% of pts had clinical stage II disease.  R0 resection rate and 3-year survival were similar between the groups.  Induction therapy was associated w
June 30, 2014
Shanda Blackmon, Daniel Boffa, Farhood Farjah, and Gaetano Rocco discuss lung cancer screening at the 2014 STS Annual Meeting.
June 26, 2014
Joseph Shrager, Chief of the Stanford Division of Thoracic Surgery, discusses the process of establishing a lung cancer screening program.
June 26, 2014
Although lung cancer is common in the elderly population, little information specific to this population is available to inform healthcare practitioners.  The EORTC, in collaboration with the International Society of Geriatric Oncology, released a concensus statement in 2010 on this topic.  Since then a number of related studies have been published. 
June 25, 2014
In this study presented by Dr. Joshua A. Roth recently at the ASCO meeting, they used a model to forecast the 5-year results of implementation of a screening program (as suggest the NLST, age older than  55 with at least 30 pack-years of smoking history) in comparison to no screening program.
June 24, 2014
Raja Flores, Professor and Chairman of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine Department of Thoracic Surgery, discusses the use of pleurectomy and decortication in the treatment of mesothelioma.
June 22, 2014
This prospective study evaluated the relationship of inflammatory gene polymorphisms and postoperative pneumonia after esophagectomy in 120 pts.  One genotype for IL-10 was significantly associated with reduced postoperative serum IL-10 levels and an increased rate of postoperative pneumonia.  IL-10 polymorphism was an independent predictor of pneumo
June 22, 2014
This multicenter prospective study evaluated indications for and outcomes of ICU admission for 449 patients with lung cancer.  Most patients had a newly diagnosed lung cancer, and the most common indication for ICU admission was airway compromise.  Hospital and 6-month mortality rates were 39% and 55%.  Determinants of mortality were severity of orga
June 20, 2014
Bilobectomy and right lobectomy were compared in a retrospective case-control study with 117 matched pairs. Space-mismatch related complications were not more frequent following bilobectomy, however, the rate of cardiovascular events was higher after lower and middle lobectomy compared with lower lobectomy.
