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Lung Cancer - Other

June 25, 2014
In this study presented by Dr. Joshua A. Roth recently at the ASCO meeting, they used a model to forecast the 5-year results of implementation of a screening program (as suggest the NLST, age older than  55 with at least 30 pack-years of smoking history) in comparison to no screening program.
May 6, 2014
Clinical outcomes of patients with lung adenocarcinoma were analyzed with respect to the histologic subtype of adenocarcinoma.  Histologic pattern was associated with sex, T status, N status, and stage.  Recurrence was higher in patients with micropapillary and solid tumors.
May 1, 2014
A panel for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid determined that annual low-dose CT screening for lung cancer carries too high a risk related to the potential benefits.  They expressed concern about high false-positive rates, quality assurance, and gaps in evidence as to how the CT results would be used.  Despite the fact that many professional grou
March 15, 2014
The authors evaluated the impact of small (<10mm) pleural effusion on outcomes in patients with NSCLC.  Of over 2000 pts, minimal PE was present in 13%.  It was more common in patients with more advanced stages.  Minimal PE was associated with decreased median survival (7.7 vs 17.7 mos) after adjustment for other prognostic variables.  The impact
January 27, 2014
This video examines the example of two similar operations performed in a hospital in Spain and a hospital in Brazil, using the same uniportal VATS technique. The purpose of this video is to demonstrate how the approach by uniportal VATS offers a direct view of the hilum, giving a clear and safe view of the fissure from its anterior and most inferior aspect.
January 14, 2014
Since video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) was described for anatomic lobectomies, many technical variations have been published. The uniportal technique, which enables the entire procedure to be performed through a single port, was recently introduced. This video shows a uniportal VATS lobectomy for lung cancer treatment.
