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Journal and News Scan

Source: Journal of the American Heart Association
Author(s): Tulio Caldonazo, Stefan Hagel, Torsten Doenst, Hristo Kirov, Michel Pompeu Sá, Xander Jacquemyn, Panagiotis Tasoudis, Marcus Franz and Mahmoud Diab

Some patients with infective endocarditis receive exclusively conservative antibiotic treatment due to their comorbidities and high operative risk, despite fulfilling criteria for surgical therapy. Hence, this study aimed to compare the outcomes in patients with infective endocarditis and a surgical indication in those who underwent or did not undergo valve surgery. To this end, the authors performed a pooled analysis of Kaplan-Meier derived reconstructed time‐to‐event data from studies comparing conservative and surgical treatment. Four studies with a total of 3,003 patients and a median follow up time of 7.6 months were included. Overall, patients with an indication for surgery who were surgically treated had a significantly lower risk of mortality compared with patients who received conservative treatment (hazard ratio [HR], 0.27 [95 percent CI, 0.24–0.31], P <0.001). Survival was superior among patients who underwent surgery when compared with those who did not, at one month (87.6 percent versus 57.6 percent; HR, 0.31 [95 percent CI, 0.26–0.37], P <0.01), at 6 months (74.7 percent versus 34.6 percent), and at 12 months (73.3 percent versus 32.7 percent).

Source: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Andrea L. Axtell, Henning A. Gaissert, Xiaodong Bao, Hugh G. Auchincloss, Elisa Walsh, David C. Chang, Yolanda L. Colson, Michael Lanuti

Of 57,531 patients who underwent lung cancer resection identified from The Society of Thoracic Surgeons General Thoracic Surgery Database, 758 (1.3 percent) were diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, which was most likely in patients with locally advanced disease who underwent bilobectomy (6 percent versus 4 percent, P < .001) or pneumonectomy (8 percent versus 5 percent, P < .001). Patients with postoperative pulmonary embolism had increased thirty-day mortality (14 percent versus 3 percent, P < .001), reintubation (25 percent versus 8 percent, P < .001), and readmission (49 percent versus 15 percent, P < .001). Black race (odds ratio, 1.74; 95 percent CI, 1.39-2.16; P < .001), interstitial fibrosis (odds ratio, 1.77; 95 percent CI, 1.15-2.72; P = .009), extent of resection, and increased operative duration were independently predictive, and a minimally invasive approach compared with thoracotomy was protective.

Source: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Hristian Hinkov, Chong Bin Lee, Leonard Pitts, Pia Lanmüller, Christoph Klein, Marian Kukucka, Evgenij Potapov, Jörg Kempfert, Volkmar Falk, Henryk Dreger, Axel Unbehaun

Aortic valve regurgitation (AR) often occurs after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a viable alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) in this cohort, most of whom have a high surgical risk profile. Procedure outcome and survival were analyzed. From 2017 to 2023, 27 LVAD patients with significant AR received elective or urgent TAVI at this center. Of these patients, 25 percent had device landing zone pre-stenting followed by a standard TAVI device and 59 percent received standard TAVI devices, with 37 percent of these patients requiring a second transcatheter heart valve (THV). Aortic regurgitation in more than trace amounts affected 6 percent of patients at discharge. Fifteen percent received AR-dedicated TAVI devices, with none requiring a second THV and no AR at discharge. TAVI has promising outcomes and survival in LVAD patients, with tailored devices and pre-stenting enhancing procedure success.

Source: ABC News
Author(s): Mary Kekatos

A fifty-four-year-old woman became the first person to simultaneously receive a gene-edited pig kidney transplant and mechanical heart valve implantation. Surgeons performed the heart pump procedure first before performing the transplant days later. Due to the severity of her condition, the patient was not eligible for traditional kidney transplant, but is doing well after the innovative procedure was performed on April 11.

Source: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Bahaaldin Alsoufi, Deborah Kozik, Melissa Perrotta, Sarah Wilkens, Andrea Nicole Lambert, Shriprasad Deshpande, Mark Slaughter, Jaimin Trivedi

Heart transplantation for adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) is associated with challenging pretransplant support, long waitlists, and high early post-transplant mortality. The authors used 2,737 patients from the United Network for Organ Sharing database to examine whether changing practices have altered outcomes in the period from 1992 to after 2018, when the allocation system changed. The listed and transplanted patients gradually increased, but the proportion receiving a transplant remained constant. There were decreases in both the proportion delisted or dying after listing and the waitlist times, especially after 2018. Mortality at 30 days post-transplant remains high but has significantly improved. The authors concluded that more complex patients do not have worse outcomes and that the new donor allocation system has reduced wait times without affecting early mortality.

Source: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Antonella Galeone, Annalisa Bernabei, Julie Cleuziou, Vanessa Menezes, Samina Park, Jolanda Kluin, Cecilia Pompili

This study examined the gender distribution of session leaders and abstract presenters at two international European cardiothoracic meetings from 2017 to 2022. The primary outcome was to evaluate the proportion of female session leaders and abstract presenters. During this time, 397 out of 3,007 (13.2 percent) session leaders and 955 out of 6,251 abstract presenters were female. Over this period, the proportions of female session leaders and abstract presenters increased significantly. However, women are still underrepresented in these roles at these meetings. More efforts are required by cardiothoracic organizations to address the gender gap, and the authors suggest specific steps that could be taken to address this.

Source: The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Author(s): Robert B. Hawkins

This commentary succinctly reviews the 2021 coronary revascularization and the 2023 chronic coronary disease guidelines with relation to use of PCI and CABG in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and ejection fraction (EF) less than or equal to 35 percent, and reviews findings from Alzahrani et al. There is data suggesting the superiority of CABG compared to PCI in these populations, particularly with regards to completeness of revascularization and long-term outcomes that support keeping use of CABG in this particular patient population as a Class I recommendation.

Source: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Maria Nucera, Maximilian Kreibich, Murat Yildiz, Tim Berger, Rosa Klara Kolb, Stoyan Kondov, Sophie Kunzmann, Bartosz Rylski, Vladimir Makaloski, Matthias Siepe, Martin Czerny, Florian S Schoenhoff

The authors report on midterm outcomes in 39 patients with Marfan (MFS) or Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS) after endovascular aortic repair (EVAR). Patients were analyzed based on planned versus emergency procedure and safe or unsafe landing zone. Thirty-four patients had thoracic EVAR and five had abdominal EVAR. There were no statistically significant differences between reinterventions in patients with safe and unsafe landing zones, or between emergency and planned procedures. The authors conclude that EVAR in these patients is feasible and safe. EVAR is viable in connective tissue disease when used by a multidisciplinary aortic team, even when the landing zone is in native tissue.

Source: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Author(s): Quirine C A van Steenwijk, Louisa N Spaans, David J Heineman, Frank J C van den Broek, Chris Dickhoff

This large-scale review of the Dutch Lung Cancer Audit for Surgery Database summarizes the variability in the current practice in surgical care for primary spontaneous pneumothorax. A total of 1,851 patients were reviewed. The most performed surgical procedure across the country was a bullectomy with pleurodesis (83 percent). There was significant variation in length of stay and complication rates across hospitals. This study showcases the power of using large scale national databases to outline current practices nationwide thus identifying target areas and opportunities for improvement nationally.

Source: The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Author(s): Hope Feldman, Boris Sepesi, Cheuk H. Leung, Heather Lin, Annikka Weissferdt, Apar Pataer, William N. William Jr., Garrett L. Walsh, David C. Rice, Jack A. Roth, Reza J. Mehran, Wayne L. Hofstetter, Mara B. Antonoff, Ravi Rajaram, Don L. Gibbons, J. Jack Lee, John V. Heymach, Ara A. Vaporciyan, Stephen G. Swisher, Tina Cascone

This study reviews 44 patients with stage IB (larger than 4 cm) to IIIA non-small cell lung cancer who were treated on sequential platform arms of the NEOSTAR trial. Twenty-two patients were treated with nivolumab and chemotherapy and 22 patients were treated with ipilimumab, nivolumab, and chemotherapy. While surgical resections are feasible and safe, the vast majority of resections are performed via thoracotomy. Interestingly, the addition of ipilimumab seems to correlate with a higher major pathological response (MPR), and perceived difficulty of resection by surgeons, likely due to increased tissue inflammation. Postoperatively, there did not seem to be a difference in adverse effects amongst the groups, although small sample size may limit conclusions.
